Lists, Lists, Listless

lists-fullYou know, some time ago I compiled a list of topics about which I could blog when I ran out of blog fodder.  I figured looking over the list, thinking about the topics, would generate some ideas for this space.

So last night, while my beloved watched her weekly round of Criminal Minds (and the only thing criminal about it is the liberties they take with the writing and acting), I looked over that list in hope of generating a post for today.

Know what I found?

I have a hundred items on that list.  It’s a very nice list, really.  I got it from a friend over on deviantART.  And not one of those topics sparked an interesting blog post for me.  Not a single one.

The list, languishing on my hard drive in obscurity, is completely useless.

I wondered if I could make a list of other things I find more useful.  I decided, since I couldn’t come up with anything else, I’d go ‘head and do that instead.

But then it dawned on me – those lists would be useless too.  I mean, by the time I did the research to find something interesting to list, I’d be able to come up with something else too.  So, no.

Then I thought I’d go out and find some really controversial websites for you to look through.  Trouble is … I don’t want this blog to become that kind of blog.  I mean, we already have enough weird stuff blogs out there.  So I don’t think so.

Then I thought, well, why don’t I share a list of my favorite movies, TV shows, songs, foods, etc.?

No.  You’re kiddin’ me, right?  No one wants to read that crap.  No one.

Okay, so I had nothing.  And how many “I got nothin’” posts can one person get away with?  I could tell you a funny story about my kids, but I don’t have one just now.  I mean, I might, but what am I going to blog about next week if I do that now?  So, no.  Again.

With nothing left to do, I decided I’d come up with another useless list and give it to you.  In my listlessness, I felt it was the most appropriate list I could provide you at this time, and in this space.

Know what that list was?


All original content © 2009 DarcKnyt
ALL rights reserved.