Stick a Fork in It.

Yep, you can call it done.

I finished the SLRP yesterday. And it’s no secret. I wrote a book on HTML5 and CSS3 (inasmuch as possible without also encompassing JavaScript). And on Tuesday, November 23, I uploaded it to the publisher’s site.

I can breathe again!

Now, a small break before I begin the new novel. And before that, I have to PICK the new novel from the several I’ve got framed somewhat.

I don’t know if I told any of you who only follow me here about this, but my wife thinks it would be inspired if we (meaning “me”) could finish a trilogy for Halloween with my paranormal investigator trio of characters. That’s not as ambitious as it sounds because only one of those books – and yes, I have an idea for it already – needs to be a cold start. The other two are at least partially written, if in desperate need of editing. But I can probably easily salvage them in a year. Er, uh … ten months. Hm. Well, we can try, right?

But I have at least two brand new novels I want to launch, and my brilliant spouse suggests taking the Ray Bradbury approach and working on them as the inspiration for each one settles, rather than marrying myself to only one until it’s finished. I don’t know if can even DO that, but it’s worth a try, right?

Two published books in the last 14 month. Not too shabby, eh? 🙂

How’s it going for you?


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10 thoughts on “Stick a Fork in It.

  1. Not shabby at all! And you know what? I’m doing the Ray Bradbury approach right now, too, even though I didn’t know it was the Ray Bradbury approach until this very moment.

    Yeah, ol’ Ray would have like 19 typewriters around a table, and he’d go from one to the next banging away on it until he ran out of inspiration, then move on to the next. He’s “teh awesome” as they goofy bad-grammar cats say. 🙂 Go you!

  2. Well, I haven’t published any books in the past 14 months. But I did manage to read half of a book in that time though. Not too shabby.

    Not too shabby at all. You’ll be literate in no time. 😉

  3. What a difference a year makes my friend.:) So incredibly happy (though not surprised) for all of the great things you’ve achieved.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Falc, and the wee ones!

    And to you and yours, D! God bless and thank you. 🙂

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